From one village to another...

From Cuttoli-Corticchiato to Peri

  • Village

1/2 day

Overlooking the Gravona valley

Ajaccio's hinterland is criss-crossed with villages which are often linked to each other either by a road or by hiking trails. This is the case of the villages of Cuttoli-Corticchiato and Peri. 

Let's go for a loop from village to village...
From Ajaccio, take the RT 20 towards Bastia. After about twenty minutes on the road, you will see the village of Cuttoli-Corticchiato on your right (next to the Mezzana station).


CUTTOLI-CORTICCHIATO [Cutuli è Curtichjatu]

The history
The commune is made up of three main hamlets situated at an altitude of 500 to 650 metres: Curtichjatu, Cutuli and Pedi Muredda. Further down, a zone of diffuse habitat constitutes what is called the Plain. It is the highest village in the Ajaccio region.

The patronal feast of the village is Saint Martin [A San Martinu]. It is celebrated on 11 November with a mass followed by a procession.


The church
The church is located equidistant from the two hamlets. It was built from 1850 and completed in 1890.
A brotherhood(Cunfraterna di a Santa Croce) created several centuries ago, perpetuates and maintains the religious practices.


Les sentiers
Plusieurs sentiers de randonnée sont présents sur la commune de Cuttoli Corticchiato, certains sont même classés « sentier du patrimoine ». Au départ des hameaux on peut arpenter les chemins suivants: A stretta di i furnacci, Monti d’Ignascu, Punta di l’Alcudina, Sentier du Caracutu

Craftsmen and producers
During your visit to the village, don't hesitate to meet the local craftsmen and producers: delicatessen, honey, cutlery...

PERI [I Peri]

At the exit of the village of Cuttoli-Corticchiato a road will lead you to Peri...

The village is spread out at the bottom of a mountainous foothill crowned by a forest of holm oaks, heather, arbutus and chestnut trees.
Two hamlets are located near the village: Olmo and Salasca.
Above the houses, there is an area bordered by two rivers, made up of old cultivation terraces.

The patronal feast is celebrated on 10 August: Saint Lawrence [A San Larenzu].


The history
The village of Peri is one of the oldest in the Gravona valley. There are many prehistoric sites in the area, as evidenced by the discovery of lithic objects: ceramics, portable millstones and even rock engravings.


The church
The church of San Lurenzi, renovated in 1900, has three statues from the 17th and 18th centuries. The interior was redecorated during the Second World War by Giulio Marina, a Florentine artist exiled to Corsica by the Mussolinian police.


The paths
From Peri there is a heritage trail and also a forest trail. 


After discovering the village of Peri, you will reach the territorial road 20 by a winding road...

If you wish to return to these villages in the Ajaccio region to go hiking, you will find descriptions of some of the paths in our topo guide Balades et Rando en Pays en Pays d'Ajaccio, on sale at the Tourist Office shop.